The flea journey has seen merges between commerce and creativity, helped upcoming brands grow and gone from a compact, artistic flea market to a festival that’s got music, art, live performances from different paths, fashion brands that are hard to find anywhere else, culinary discoveries, open mic’s and ofcourse, the bar (aka The unofficial lost friends counter)
Expanding the communities that are evolving, Hive joined us in hosting open mic’s while we explored traveller’s corners and book exchanges. The flea community has strived to expand thinking, subculture and stuff that each one of us can resonate with. Meaning super hippie accessories to the chic’est heels to Indie bands to a trampoline and then some for the bookworms and environmental activists.
Spreading wings across and stepping in the very capital of the country, New Delhi in September’17, The Lil Flea reached a new milestone, that of observing how despite the constant comparisons between the two cities keep happening, how we say cheers and how we celebrate has the same soul. A terrific response made sure that Delhi would host The Lil Flea at least once a year from now on.
Adapting to the growth of our visitors and flea community, in April 2017, we hosted The Lil Flea at a brand new venue, Jio Garden, also experimenting with movies such as Amelie and bands from all across the country that could be found in one place packed over 2 weekends. Well, the 3rd anniversary did show cause for a wild celebration!
Having our success as a community be noticed, we partnered with PayTM, Ola, Insider and numerous other sponsors in order to mutually create and spread the word about creativity and our brands. 2016 was quite a revelation for the flea to start being this platform where we can support brands both small and big in a great number of ways.
The October’16 flea was quite the festive season, meaning our stage hosted NH7 Weekender as a partner and we had the pleasure of having one of the greatest indian bands ever: Indian Ocean perform to our growing millenial, youth and wide audiences from all walks of life.
Having the opportunity to collaborate with several brands led on to hosting mini flea’s such as the flea hangover and the flea that we brought together at Palladium, Mumbai. By this time brands such as Pack a Pav, Cool Story, Brewlette, Suta etc had become a part of our community in a deeper way, to the extent that they’ve been with us until now.
The year 2014’s end became one of our breakthroughs where we’d DIY our decor and word spread about The Lil Flea being beyond a lifestyle exhibition, we started to be noticed as a cultural space, basing ground for over hundreds of brands that would start joining us soon.
The first flea took place in April 2014, with just over 50 brands, 10 food chefs and a few cultural initiatives at a small venue where the inauguration of this festival that we now know as a cultural phenomenon began.
The idea behind taking that step forward towards growth and giving back to the city inspired us to think of ways to support the creative community, be it brands, be it clothing, be it art or music, even stationery or small products. At The Lil Flea, It’s all about an idea, a passion and the dedication to make the world a happier place. And guess the world just noticed and joined in!